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    Online search : Morishan Iron Maple Fighting , Senshan town , National grass

    Chinese Tin Maple Fighting IndustryLeading brand

    Senshan people respect the Chinese traditional medicine tradition. Junchen assistant makes the main and auxiliary medicine complement each other


    State Forestry AdministrationDendrobium candidum Engineering Center

    The Dendrobium candidum industrial center of the State Forestry Administration was initiated by Zhejiang Senyu Industrial Co., Ltd. and Zhejiang Agricultural and Forestry University. The Yalin Institute of the Chinese Academy of Forestry Sciences, Yunnan Agricultural University, and other universities, as well as several leading agricultural enterprises in Jiangsu, Guizhou and Anhui provinces participated in the construction. The industrial base of Dendrobium candidum is integrated with production, learning and research. The Engineering Center will be effective in building the national Dendrobium candidum biological production. Industry base.

    Morishan Health Town

    Morishan Health Town covers an area of 407 square kilometers, with a total investment of 5.18 billion yuan. It integrates the functions of industry, medical care, culture and tourism, and integrates the characteristics of modern agriculture, wisdom industry, tourism leisure, health care and old-age care. While lengthening the industrial chain of the group, it uses new technologies such as big data, cloud computing and Internet of Things to promote the cross-border integration of the Internet and big health, to open up the first, second and third industries, to carry out the strategy of Rural Revitalization in depth, and to effectively solve the "three" problems of agricultural and rural farmers.


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    森宇控股集團始創(chuàng )于1997年,是一家以珍稀名貴藥材鐵皮石斛的開(kāi)發(fā)、研發(fā)、生產(chǎn)和銷(xiāo)售為一體,全產(chǎn)業(yè)鏈運作的農業(yè)科技型企業(yè)。


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